Program Overview
Catholic Family Services offers a variety of group programs led by qualified and experienced facilitators. We bring our programs into the community including Prince Albert and area schools. Programs are also offered at the CFS offices or in partnership with other community agencies.
The Life Improvement Programs cover a variety of topics including parenting, anger management for children, teens, and adults, helping families deal with grief, communication issues, helping children deal with separation and divorce, or other life changing issues.
Fees for programs are based on funding available. However, no one is turned away.
Updated listing of classes can be found by downloading the program guide.
To register or for more information, please call Amanda Snell director of programs at:
306 922-3202 or email: programs.cfspa@sasktel.net
Should a class fill, you can still register and be placed on a waitlist.
Parenting From the Heart
A parenting class for parents, guardians or those who work with children dealing with trauma
Parenting From The Heart (formerly Active Parenting) is a weekend program for parents, guardians or those who work with children aged five to twelve. The program uses behavioral oriented strategies and teaches appropriate and effective parenting skills.
- See program guide at the top of the page.
- Free
Calming the Storm for Teens
Anger management for teens
This program offers participants safe & effective ways to express and release anger. It will help teen identify the sources of their anger; assist them in acknowledging the importance of these feelings; and offer strategies for coping with anger so it does not dominate the their lives.
- Not currently available. Please contact us to be placed on a wait list for the next available class.
Calming the Storm for Adults
Anger management for adults
This anger management program for adults offers participants safe and effective ways to express and release anger. It will help adults identify the sources of their anger; assist them in acknowledging the importance of these feelings; and offer strategies for coping with anger so it does not dominate their lives.
- See program guide at the top of the page.
- $25/person
Climbing the Rock
A program for teens exposed to and healing from trauma
This is a group program for teens ages 13 to 17 affected by and healing from trauma. It aims to help participants overcome personal struggle related to violence and trauma.
- Funded by: Ministry of Justice (Victim Services)
- Free
See program guide at the top of this page.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
Riding the Wave
A program for children ages 6 – 13 dealing with trauma and their parents
Children and their parents learn to understand and process the violence and trauma in their lives by listening, believing and validating their experiences in a safe environment. Participants learn skills to boost self-esteem, manage anger, problem solve effectively and express feelings appropriately.
- Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM
- Free
- Funded by: Ministry of Justice (Victim Services)
See program guide at the top of this page.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net

Taming the Tiger
An anger management program for children ages 6 to 12 and their parents
This weekend program provides children (ages 6 - 12) and their caregivers with a safe supportive environment to learn how to deal with anger. Participants will learn the fundamentals of anger, how they react physically & emotionally when angry, and strategies to work through their anger in healthy ways. The parenting component provides effective techniques to deal with aggressive behavior.
See program guide for dates and times.
- funded by the Ministry of Justice.
After the Storm
A support group for women living with the aftermath of domestic violence
After The Storm is a support program for survivors of intimate partner violence. A survivor as defined by this group is a person who recognizes there is abuse, is thinking about leaving the abuse, or has left the abusive relationship and is looking for support to maintain an abuse free life.
- See program Guide for dates and times
- $25
- Funded by: Community Initiatives Fund
One Heart, Two Homes
Co-parenting children of divorce to a positive future
This program is designed to support separated or divorced parents in creating a positive co-parenting environment for their children. Topics include: understanding how today's actions will affect your children in the future, helping your child feel at ease in both homes, increasing your child's self-esteem and decreasing anxiety, and introducing step-parents into your co-parenting team.
See program guide.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
Stepping Up
Men Building Healthy Relationships
Stepping Up-Men Building Healthy Relationships is a thirteen-week program for men who have been abusive in their relationships. The program is designed to improve self-esteem and to learn anger management skills, and teach adult participants to cope with stressors related to anger and violence in their lives.
See program guide at top of the page.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
Equine Assisted Learning
Stepping Up is a thirteen-week program for men who have been abusive in their relationships and want to change. The program is designed to improve self-esteem, learn anger management skills, and teach adult participants to cope with stressors related to anger and violence in their lives.
Not Currently Available. Please contact us to be placed on a wait list for the next available class.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
How Long Does Sad Last?
A program for children 6 to 10 years who are dealing with loss and grief
This is a program for children 6 – 10 who are dealing with loss and grief. Grief is always difficult, even more so when you are a child. Sometimes we overlook a child’s grief because they appear to be "moving on" or "doing fine". Because children grieve differently than adults, they’ve been referred to as "silent mourners", as their grief can go undetected. This program explains death to children and provides them with a safe environment to process grief in a non-threatening manner.
Not currently available. Please contact us to be placed on a wait list for the next available class.
Healing Hearts
Grief Support Group for Adults – a support group for men and women who are dealing with loss and grief
This a support group for men and women, dealing with loss and grief. By introducing people to others who are going through a similar experience, this support group offers a way in which to “normalize” the grief experience. Participants have opportunities to learn new roles, new ways of problem-solving or coping with situations by hearing about and discussing these with the group facilitator, and from listening to the experiences of other members. Experience has also shown that people who are grieving are often helped by the opportunity to reach out and help others, and participation in a group not only offers members the chance to be helped, but also help others
- See program guide

Hold Me Tight
Couples therapy program based on 30 years of positive research.
Hold Me Tight is a program that provides couples with relationship enrichment, enhancement and education. It is a couples therapy program based on 30 years of positive research results on relationship repair and hundreds of studies on love and adult bonding. Hold Me Tight is delivered over two week-ends by two qualified facilitators who are Marriage and Family Therapists.
- This program is to be delivered over two weekends – Dates to be determined
- $25 per couple
- Funded by: Community Initiatives Fund
Calming the Storm for Teens
Anger management for teens
This program offers participants safe & effective ways to express and release anger. It will help teen identify the sources of their anger; assist them in acknowledging the importance of these feelings; and offer strategies for coping with anger so it does not dominate the their lives.
- Not currently available. Please contact us to be placed on a wait list for the next available class.
Climbing the Rock
A program for teens exposed to and healing from trauma
This is a group program for teens ages 13 to 17 affected by and healing from trauma. It aims to help participants overcome personal struggle related to violence and trauma.
- Funded by: Ministry of Justice (Victim Services)
- Free
See program guide at the top of this page.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
Riding the Wave
A program for children ages 6 – 13 dealing with trauma and their parents
Children and their parents learn to understand and process the violence and trauma in their lives by listening, believing and validating their experiences in a safe environment. Participants learn skills to boost self-esteem, manage anger, problem solve effectively and express feelings appropriately.
- Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM
- Free
- Funded by: Ministry of Justice (Victim Services)
See program guide at the top of this page.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net

Taming the Tiger
An anger management program for children ages 6 to 12 and their parents
This weekend program provides children (ages 6 - 12) and their caregivers with a safe supportive environment to learn how to deal with anger. Participants will learn the fundamentals of anger, how they react physically & emotionally when angry, and strategies to work through their anger in healthy ways. The parenting component provides effective techniques to deal with aggressive behavior.
See program guide for dates and times.
- funded by the Ministry of Justice.
Equine Assisted Learning
Stepping Up is a thirteen-week program for men who have been abusive in their relationships and want to change. The program is designed to improve self-esteem, learn anger management skills, and teach adult participants to cope with stressors related to anger and violence in their lives.
Not Currently Available. Please contact us to be placed on a wait list for the next available class.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
How Long Does Sad Last?
A program for children 6 to 10 years who are dealing with loss and grief
This is a program for children 6 – 10 who are dealing with loss and grief. Grief is always difficult, even more so when you are a child. Sometimes we overlook a child’s grief because they appear to be "moving on" or "doing fine". Because children grieve differently than adults, they’ve been referred to as "silent mourners", as their grief can go undetected. This program explains death to children and provides them with a safe environment to process grief in a non-threatening manner.
Not currently available. Please contact us to be placed on a wait list for the next available class.
Calming the Storm for Adults
Anger management for adults
This anger management program for adults offers participants safe and effective ways to express and release anger. It will help adults identify the sources of their anger; assist them in acknowledging the importance of these feelings; and offer strategies for coping with anger so it does not dominate their lives.
- See program guide at the top of the page.
- $25/person
After the Storm
A support group for women living with the aftermath of domestic violence
After The Storm is a support program for survivors of intimate partner violence. A survivor as defined by this group is a person who recognizes there is abuse, is thinking about leaving the abuse, or has left the abusive relationship and is looking for support to maintain an abuse free life.
- See program Guide for dates and times
- $25
- Funded by: Community Initiatives Fund
Stepping Up
Men Building Healthy Relationships
Stepping Up-Men Building Healthy Relationships is a thirteen-week program for men who have been abusive in their relationships. The program is designed to improve self-esteem and to learn anger management skills, and teach adult participants to cope with stressors related to anger and violence in their lives.
See program guide at top of the page.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
Healing Hearts
Grief Support Group for Adults – a support group for men and women who are dealing with loss and grief
This a support group for men and women, dealing with loss and grief. By introducing people to others who are going through a similar experience, this support group offers a way in which to “normalize” the grief experience. Participants have opportunities to learn new roles, new ways of problem-solving or coping with situations by hearing about and discussing these with the group facilitator, and from listening to the experiences of other members. Experience has also shown that people who are grieving are often helped by the opportunity to reach out and help others, and participation in a group not only offers members the chance to be helped, but also help others
- See program guide

Hold Me Tight
Couples therapy program based on 30 years of positive research.
Hold Me Tight is a program that provides couples with relationship enrichment, enhancement and education. It is a couples therapy program based on 30 years of positive research results on relationship repair and hundreds of studies on love and adult bonding. Hold Me Tight is delivered over two week-ends by two qualified facilitators who are Marriage and Family Therapists.
- This program is to be delivered over two weekends – Dates to be determined
- $25 per couple
- Funded by: Community Initiatives Fund
Parenting From the Heart
A parenting class for parents, guardians or those who work with children dealing with trauma
Parenting From The Heart (formerly Active Parenting) is a weekend program for parents, guardians or those who work with children aged five to twelve. The program uses behavioral oriented strategies and teaches appropriate and effective parenting skills.
- See program guide at the top of the page.
- Free
One Heart, Two Homes
Co-parenting children of divorce to a positive future
This program is designed to support separated or divorced parents in creating a positive co-parenting environment for their children. Topics include: understanding how today's actions will affect your children in the future, helping your child feel at ease in both homes, increasing your child's self-esteem and decreasing anxiety, and introducing step-parents into your co-parenting team.
See program guide.
- Contact: cfspa@sasktel.net
The path towards a brighter future starts today
We offer a variety of programs for all aspects of life. Get in touch with us for more information. Everyone is welcome.